It was an intense heatwave before. The Earth warming, cooking, boiling. Water cooks over. Silence. Then it rained and rained, it didn’t stop. From heatwave to heavy rain to flood. Flood created an ocean where millions of people lived. Source of outbreaks, disease, famine, homelessness poverty of the poor. What have these innocent people done? But isn’t it we, the people who don’t care! To let it come this far knowing what causes extreme changes in weather everywhere? Many lost their lives,many their homes. Desperate people Children with fear Forever traumatized, not knowing what to do or where to go. No home, no food , the lost of loved ones, all in one. Can’t grasp fully the impact yet. In shock, can’t feel a thing. Yet many tears, so much sadness in the air Forever traumatized …. Earth in need of change to survive.
There is unbearable heat. Unstoppable fire Flood creating oceans Weather disasters everywhere How can one not see. If world leaders don’t change their priorities whole planet Earth will be flooded when they decide to take care. Today it’s Pakistan, next?