That sublime sheen that shines on smooth is not artificial its inherent and radiates princely from within unfortunately the bland underwhelming paleness like watered down milk weak transparent undernourished and insipid is oh so very real and all within lacks the seasoning graces of those well forged so as famed ersatz you eschew belligerence from your birth days and the war paints are as you as warring is you endemic weaknesses screaming means you only find strength in numbers and devious machinations stealing able bodies to do all beyond your capabilities you lay with the dark to strengthen your gene pool claiming and un-claiming per victory or defeat you excel as lesser who prunes and cuts prime roots to stunt growth as your cloying fears encase you in silken threads and wiry downs like foxes So why would you not quake and spittle venomous hate glossy black shines Is bastardization debasement and degradation not the chess of the non black board