Bolsheviks' and muzhiks and even kulaks too wrap your chains round your necks its time for Royal bashing its age for Royal bashing down with Royals no more Royalty
but cowards, sorry I mean scarlet comrades we are doing it by remote control please stop crying and listen
we will show you how to work the remotes but you will spend your own money on the batteries to send waves
all those on computers pay your energy bills time and efforts you must give freely your minds and loyalties are ours
now get on with it dear slaves of solidarity do not think just do as we direct you down with elitism power to dummies sorry I mean chummies you know...friends we're all friends aren't we
Some people should be sent to the Tower of London and the chopping block be readied, that's all I'm saying. Mocking? mocking who....I'm just one man, one ordinary working class oik, and I'm not one of those nutters making Everest out of a mole hill, haha haha, Wonder what's happening to Prince Andrew, by the way.