Returning to work After a rather enjoyable weekend Is hardly something to rejoice about Especially when you are handling Recruitment And particularly when you work in a startup A startup that supposedly gives you freedom Freedom for the employer, that is To keep nagging his employees From time to time But not freedom for the employees To work as per their convenience You feel like a balloon Pressed on all sides By the boss, candidates and clients One false step And Boom! you are back to square one And left with a mountain to climb At the speed of light You know, though, what's the worst part? It's the uncertainty Whether it be in finding relevant resumes Or speaking to a bunch of candidates And trying to convince them Or, if you do somehow manage to convince someone Waiting for him/her to share the CV Is like watching that infamous innings of Sunil Gavaskar In the 1975 World Cup It kills you from inside Such that, you just can't wait For a miracle to happen Which involves the client Uttering the magic words "This position is temporarily on hold"