For a month of Sundays You will always be my sunny Fun-loving hunk Architectural celestial delectableness Aesthetic southern lover man
So bright and stylishly fashioned Graceful, fascinating, and sophisticated Greatly persuasive amorousness Distinctive manly brilliantness I luxuriate in your tempestuousness
Tasty undraped sensation I anticipate with enthusiasm To travel in your superlative splashy galaxy Feel your fragrant hardness in my mouth Devour me, unrivaled, delightful kryptonite
Let me lie on your powerfully built thighs Gaze into your dazzling dark honey eyes Irresistible elliptical peepers Oh-so dope and glowing Let me float in your soul-stirring superbness
I love every profoundly bouncing ounce Of your astounding paradise How you flaunt your strapping swagtastical magicalness Got me so enchanted by your blazing bright emanation How you radiate the grandest and most sensuous stupendousness