Sometimes you feel alone So alone that you can hear your own heartbeat in a crowded room So alone that you can't even see your own shadow
Sometimes you want to die Just so you don't have to feel anymore Just so you don't have to think anymore Because all of that just adds more pain
And all that pain does is **** whatever joy you had left And you can't lose anymore joy
Sometimes... You just don't feel like your worth it And believe me when I tell you this I feel worthless Like if I just shut out the world No one would call to see how my day has been
We live to die We die So why does everything in between have to be so hard
Everyday I tell people I love them Because the day just might come When I stop talking And when that day comes The world will fully understand that sometimes a simple smile from a stranger can change everything The world will finally understand that its not all about money Because in the end those millions won't save you from what's hurting you
Trust me.. I've been to the lowest of the low And I'm looking up I don't understand why life is so rough