And so as millions of other right thinking people I am so privileged
Privileged enough to gather my wits and know you have to study hard for a professional career
Privileged enough to aspire, face challenges and make sacrifices and forego some comforts to attain my goals
Privileged enough to respect myself and strive for personal and financial independence unburdened to no one
Privileged enough to chose sensible choices and reject any criminality, unhealthy influences or bad companies
Privileged enough to appreciate that to be responsible and respected means eschewing responsible and respectable deeds
Privileged enough to learn, listen and seek wise counsel and guidance when necessary for no one knows all things
Privileged enough to cultivate good manners kindness, understanding, consideration for other fellow humans
Privileged enough to always seek and radiate positivity for goodness begets goodness and gratitude is self-affirming
Privileged enough to grow a personality that is warm embracing, caring, honest, generous, sensible, intelligent and brave
Privileged enough to be able to stand up for myself be assertive when required and courageous enough to meet challenges
So when common criminals and racist dysfunctional gangsters vowed to me, because I dared to stand up to them, that, they would "make the rest of my life unbearably difficult and a living hell " because I come from a privileged background
I had the privilege of knowing that these ignorant prejudiced narcissists, raving psychopaths and their two-bit leftist militant ideologues, as expected lacking sensibilities or pragmatism, definitely do not even know WHAT PRIVILEGE MEANS
But thenΒ Β dear people, I forgot, they have WHITE PRIVILEGE They can do as they please....The world is their rotten oyster....