when he touched me, when our bodies moved roughly, rawly, with a desperation that I could finally feel, I felt our love, I felt our happiness, I felt our sadness, I felt everything we've had so far, I've felt what we will have in the future: my missing part, my only part,
and I tried to wrap myself in that feeling while I cried in the night, tried to wrap myself in your arms, cuddling against your back, resting your head in my chest, while I cried remembering the love we made and how good that felt then to remember the lies and betrayal for so many months
I'm taking it hard just like you knew I would
move forward together, a step at a time, holding each other's hand, I'll never regret you, you'll never be my biggest mistake, sadness and happiness, that comes with a love like yours, that comes with a love like ours and I think I wouldn't want you to be any other way
Loving you is always easy, but you aren't always so easy, but that's okay. I like it, I love you
if we can't make it through this, then we can't make it through anything, and I'm not going to give up