In the middle of the the night I’m in rem in the middle of a dream Nothing is real but it’s what I feel And oh how real it can seem
With my eyes closed, I take a journey Into the unknown everything is a mystery Even if I’ve been down the road before And it’s just a part of my history
When the day is over and I come home To my love and we embrace It’s amazing to feel her love and my Troubles she can easily erase
With my eyes closed we come lip To lip and lock into a passionate kiss It’s always like the first time Like I’ve never felt anything like this
When I bow my head and I pray I feel the love of God in my soul The warmth overwhelmingly comforts Me and I know he’s in control
With my eyes closed I see his kingdom So beautiful and so bright I feel so wonderful inside and It feels like a big hug nice and tight
Everything in life that we experience With touch and smell or sight are real But the best things in life with our eyes Closed The Best Is To Feel