Somebody makes you a victim Your sense of worth and well being vanishes No matter your age You are harmed and scared for life even though some think you get over it You don't but with help you move on and forward When your dignity is taken and you are never the same People who haven't a clue want to deny your rights to terminate something that should have never been there in the first place It is your body and nobody should tell you what to do with it That is not the way it is now but the way it needs to be again Children should be wanted and planned for Believe what you want and think what you want That is fine When one is violated sometimes what is taken can't be corrected medically Some women can never conceive and when it is medically assisted if it is possible when will Government try to stop that blessing The way it is is not as it should be Will you pay to raise the children that were not wanted until they are no longer minors Will Orphanages be filled to the max That is the way it will be