Pain in my eyes like Aloe Vera plants. Silly putty legs without ovaries.
The robots are unapologetically wrong. The real demons return with different names. No, that's not a lie. It so happens that massive things can be done without any consequence. And by the way, who designed it that way? Handing out hand-outs when they should all be on their knees.
You and your too much food. You and your too much food. Big fat walruses with hydroponic fur. I'll take my medicine. I'll take my shoes off inside the house.
I sprang from my father's head and mother swallowed me ~ gave birth to the Milky Way so that our souls moved into our livers. We all turned into grocery story magazine stories gone wrong. But I don't care about that.
Mainly, it's the priests. I'd like to stick them in my steam-trunk. I'd like to hang them upside down when they break the glass.
Who's with me? Who's with me?! Let's band altogether to stop chewing gum. Become as old as the stars.