Hiring For Investment Banking roles Is like wading through a swamp At first, it may appear as easy As winning the French Open is, for Rafael Nadal Since there is a decent pool of candidates Waiting to be tapped into However, as the old cliche goes Appearances are deceptive There are numerous pits In the form of various factors That influence the interest levels Of each and every candidate Such as, the job location The salary The bonus payout The appraisal cycle The scope of the role The reporting manager The brand And most importantly, the work culture It requires a truckload of skills As well as a fat lot of luck To maneuver your way through the swamp And successfully avoid these pits Which lurk in the shadows Waiting to catch you unawares One slip-up, and you may lose a candidate Every time that happens You'll find yourself sinking into the mud Slowly, but surely The harder you try to escape The deeper you end up sinking By the time you find that "perfect candidate" Your face is all that will remain above the surface And the only thing that can save you Is the client uttering the magic words "This position is now on hold"