four strapping teens surveying a map the adventure of a lifetime in waiting an expedition through backcountry
10 days 4 portages backpacks at the ready paddles yearning to be dipped into glossy waters an excruciating two hour drive for excited trekkers
launching canoes with but a trail & compass crackling fires stoking companionship seeking warmth from the crisp nighttime air
tents hoisted while listening to nature’s rhythm crawling into sleeping bags serenaded by croaking frogs exhaustion from a day of paddling bringing deep sleep
bright sunny dawn the wakeup call for rising roaring campfire ready for pots and pans breakfast cooked on an open flame a treat
time to pack amidst an onslaught of mosquitoes drizzling day a reminder to the voyageurs of the past portages carrying canoes overhead long & arduous
standing on the shores of turbulent Lake Opeongo her challenges beckon us