My phone's charging port broke, maybe.... jeez, I don't know. Maybe, five or six months ago? Since then I've been restricted to only using wireless chargers. At work I need my GPS often, and so my phone doesn't die I keep a wireless charger rubber banded to the back of my phone...
I took Emily's headband and threw it out, it was hanging in the bathroom for awhile.
I took Alyssa's painting off the wall.
I threw that out too.
Found a hairtie on the closet doorknob and I went to go toss it, but my phone was dead and I didn't have a rubber band to keep my wireless charger on the back of my phone during my car trip to work.
So I used the hair tie.
I don't remember who's it was, but Sara got in my car and saw it sitting there.
Stupid. Inconsiderate. I try clearing all the leftover **** out of my life, and only end up drawing attention to it.