You used to peer through me But you don’t see my soul anymore
Destroy me to the core Go ahead and adorn The radiant light, you once adored me for Score a discordant note on my heartstrings Projected at the frequency Which only my scars sing, darling; The firmament is not much further reach Here from fingertips length, But I’m on the brink, On God I’m falling to the depths my Snowflake Please save me
Strike the chord Now play me of your own accord & I’ll fully internalize how always eternally I’m truly yours The call of the void forever beckoning me forth; Gripped with accursed desire to let my soul drift Upon these celestial shores once more Unsure where I will wander and mourn, Lovelorn, alone at the source, formless
I continuously spill from an empty cup Feeling like my best will never be enough I hide behind such a hollow front Dreaming of the day that I don’t wake up
An assessment of my obsession presents Once-harmonic progressions Of which, have effortlessly effervesced into unrelenting cosmic depression But the pain doesn’t lessen No matter the convalescence From under the moon’s crescent, I’ve been sentenced - Ever since my adolescence
Something is wrong, though I trudge along Albeit withdrawn, in a liminal state Somewhere I don’t belong Wallowing in disembodied sorrow, woebegone While floating away into the great beyond I forever long to haunt you