Well another chapter has come and gone, once again ,I have been sent packing if I were a chess piece, I'd certainly be the pawn, how many times, too many for tracking
she says in fact that, she still loves me, but too many factors have told me no disappearing acts into uncertainty questionable comments, make doubts grow
so many thoughts, leave a heart that is heavy guess it was just never meant to be left my dreams in a heap at the levee my broken twisted soul buried at sea
waves of pain no longer linger been here to often, and now I am numb whisked away with a snap of her fingers need a ride now, so I stick out my thumb
maybe you, will be the one to take me in comfort my heart, with your understanding need a distraction, to make my head spin need a new melody to make my soul sing
she loves me yes, she loves me not how can one know, when true love is found do words of passion really mean a lot when now I listen, and there is no sound
her birthday is near, and tears fill my eyes I so wanted to show her, how much I cared now the present of my love, will need a disguise she loves me not, empty heart and soul paired