You may be older Therefore more experienced at handling problems and coping with stress But our demons share similar surnames
It hurts heart to see your disappointed gaze because it means my shortcomings are far worse than yours I want to find ways to show you we are not as different as you think
Because that is all irrelevant at the end of the day so **** logistics and to hell with genetics We both are weak and we both need help sometimes
Loneliness and grief are emotions everyone must go through What we are failing to realize is that WE don't have to go through it alone
Sometimes trouble we get into is hard to share because we don't want to be judged but I promise I won't judge you
And pain is nothing to hide because I feel it too Everybody does
Every time we reunite I give you a hug because I missed you But I never express how important you are to me
I love you With capital L!
The comfort of knowing always having someone to talk to if I need is a gift you unknowingly bestow every day
You might not understand the reasons behind my actions But I know you always want to help regardless
Fitting in this crazy world has not been the easiest for either of us But now we are finally growing up and finding our places
I love you and promise to try harder to be a better person and more importantly A better sister