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Sep 2013
I've always asked myself
'How can you love someone you've never met?'
You've never seen their smile in person
Never heard their beautiful laugh
Never felt their warm touch
And with these thoughts,
I realized one thing
I am that person
I'm inΒ Β love someone I've never met
He'll never how happy he makes me
Or how much he means to me
My friends think I'm crazy
And they question me about it
But to be honest I don't have an answer myself
It's weird
And strange
And incredibly sad
That ill never be able to touch you
To kiss you
To hug you
To tell you how much I love you
In person

It makes me feel foolish
And upset
And sad

But what really confuses me
Is the fact that the only thing which makes me less sad,
Is your smile.
Written by
Diana  New Jersey
(New Jersey)   
   Lana Fraser, ---, R and Victoria Jennings
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