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May 2022
Against times of sweet reality created now by us
we acknowledge confidence, reinsurance from stepping stones
laying still upon the ground of unspoken words.

Less, we don't appear astounded by sounds, sights we
have forever abolished, without knowing answers to why
each radiant conquest goes unnoticed, forgotten after
centuries, developing admiration of existence, growing beyond
concepts of expression able abilities to expand further.

Alas, before us appears, a task to achieve, where we are
able to open up to the opportunities that must be reckoned
with upon the ground of external environmental illusions
assigned for us to accomplish in-depth without defeat!

Amazed, excitement lurks unsatisfied when answers don't
appear within the realm of our existence, unsettled silence
appear to speak profoundly, answers to questions only a
the child already knows from enlightened minds surrounded by
light divided with love.

Yield! Let the mind flow freely, it's always  been free to flow
in directions unknown to man.

Unsettled and confused with uncanny thoughts, we gather
assignments to fill, with appetites never laid before
us to complete, till now.  ( Only an open heart can find
love that flows forever)

Against all knowledge, we fervently strive to accomplish what
we must expect without force.  We are beings of divine
love, light that never goes out.

Our perfection is ours alone to achieve finding that
road bringing love to us and after us.

Accomplish your achievements, free of ego, riding  your horse
bear back peacefully along the seashore of your reality.

Among the elemental layers of achievements, we must
lay down humbly, loving life for what it has given us to

Remember, there will never be another day we live than this very
moment we blink once.

There is no room in a brand-new day to frown..

It is the first day of our life!

(Our assignments  in life are!!)
Be grateful!
Be love!
Be You!

Copyright ⓒ DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)
Harriet Shea
Written by
Harriet Shea  80/F/Mesa Arizona
(80/F/Mesa Arizona)   
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