Twenty and two pieces of banana leaves Spread over stacks of news paper sheets On each leaf a red spot of lemon tickle while the boiled egg on top buckle Over the three serves of mixed veg Biryani These meals are to be packed and distributed at the lane After three parcels the cello tape came to the reel's end Nineteen parcels still to be packed and it's thirty past nine The hungry have to be fed and the office duty starts at ten How to pack the food parcels when the cellophane tape is spent O god, the brain black out and hypnotic And in no time the left hand stretch robotic Moves to the left to a corner below the table Amidst a jumble of books past two boxes and cable The index finger skips the top one and aims The lid of the second one and claims a brand new cello tape immense Out of a stupor the brain awakens with a sense O Jesus! His presence Heart heaving, Tears gushing 'Am not alone but Jesus Like a baby watching curiously a craftsman work, He is always beside the great Me, lurk When the human wit run out and escape Pouncing to catch for me even a cello tape