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May 2022
I have a garden in my mind
a forest in my heart
an ache in my chest
from love torn apart

orchids so pretty
bluebirds up above
only these orchids have thorns
and the birds do not resemble love

you said β€œpush through”
so I grab those orchids
and hold them tight
reach up to those birds
despite their great height

I am gifted with ****** hands
and pricked fingers too
but this pain is familiar
it reminds me of you

I take back those flowers
dried up and bruised
from bluebirds who plucked
and hearts that they chewed

I placed them in a box
and I taped up the lid
I put them away
in a place well hid

with no more to feed from
the birds have now fled
I’ve patched up my holes
where lilies grown instead
Written by
paschelaco  20/F/NC
     Arooz and life's jump
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