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May 2022
Your profound and prolific beauty remains unchallenged
Your sublime and august ruggedness
Captivates me in a tantalizing way
Powerfully sculpted, sensual, and invincible
Inspiring, refreshing, and ingratiating
Your cheerfulness is my treasured delight

Your turgid veritable flex stupefies me
Your lurid and richly dreamy sight
Makes my rare, green, and milky eyes
Shine like tremendously incandescent stars
I am so hot for your enthralling charm
Take me into the deepest parts of your chamber
Where I can experience your amorousness

The way you move with smoothness
The way you talk magniloquently
Permeated with great and generous gallantry
Your truly royal force is enormously glorious
The thought of being encased in your firm magical arms
Our hands linked, moist, open-mouthed, and satisfying kisses
Solacing every incredible precious area of my body

I concede to your silky, sumptuous exquisiteness
My inhibitions drop to the russet, lush floor
Like seamless and gleaming vestments where I stand
I am helpless, zealously anticipating for you
To take me away into your remarkably buoyant
And enchanting mancave to consume me wholeheartedly
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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