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May 2022
Going with the flow
May take you away from your goal
The heart wants what it wants
Life gives what it gives

Life sings a tune
You just play along
lyrics don't fit the tune
Bad luck the song will not be born

How i respond
My hearts door ****
Balance sheet shows
My debts have been written off

Flexibility and Expression
Two paths to a destination
Combine them in harmony
Honesty without lament

Check the box
First is merit
Last is merit
Tick it and you're in

Unable to do
Let it go
Leave it will anyway
Trouble will be saved

Unique in every way
Remain that way
Duplicating is the veil
Image takes over the  real

Passion ousts work
Work ceases to be work
No hours seperately dedicated
Every minute is

Deducing life logically
Precedes living it fully
Make it easy coming to terms with the fact that
It is what it is
Written by
KV Srikanth
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