Woke up today Thank God for that Had a good night's sleep Indebted for allowing that Had my cup of coffee More than contended
A roof over my head How many can claim that Eternally grateful for the kindness Food on the table Whenever the stomach requested Provided in full Obliged to you Whatever has happened Is the best outcome you have granted Relationships in symphony Synchrony you help validate Deeply appreciative for ceding Contended fulfilled clear That's my life today Humbled by the generosity Nothing to ask Everything given without any pre condition There for me to experience Live life the only expectation The mind in between Sows seeds of questions Help me understand That a gift is to be celebrated And shared Not taken with an attitude of i don't care Noticed that the universe Had performed its functions well As the world outside Was bustling with activity Overwhelmed in the least A big thank you For giving me the life With the best help to tend
A life to lead only awareness to To be Thank you Thank you Thank you