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May 2022
The genius is the construction of the blind alleys
signposting the ephemerality of passages
where the ghosts and the retrievers walk
not perchance but daily weekly monthly yearly
dipping toes in murky canals
skipping pebbles in ripples of lores

Here we see Anna's way
to the left is the Unforgiven Avenue
whilst a little further we will come to Black Lane
roll down the hill into Anxiety Corner
and if one walks long enough you will reach Open Door Road
where lies the fields of forget-me-nots in evergreen bloom

So we have our Dr Livingstones in exploration
mapping tributaries charting crumbling sources to K2
crampons  goggles and climbing ropes unnecessary
bare white eyes sees best in white noise and snow blindness
our intrepid warriors are chipping away from Wigan Pier
to the Black Forest where all you know is all you don't know

The genius is the construction of the blind alleys
signposting the ephemerality of passages
where the ghosts and the retrievers walk
not perchance but daily weekly monthly yearly
dipping toes in murky canals and mud flats
skipping pebbles in ripples of folklores
Green revolution, greenhorn revolution, smoke and mirrors, Rainbow Alliance, Extinction of Specie, Arrogance of Humans, make of it what you will!!!
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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