I want to marvel at you like the Trafalgar Square Escape into your enchanting and extravagant attractions Embrace your immaculate captivatingness Take in your stellar surpassing contrast of colors Your dreamy dancing of light Your eyes are a wild green scene Resplendent with splendidly shimmering dreams
Your lips are rare, cherishable, and elegantly made Your mind is essentially authentic and deep Busting at the seams with seamless supreme bliss Your chest is an ingenious and most extravagant Exhibition of visually thrilling and unparalleled art Your thighs are thick and intriguing Your legs are the most extraordinary explored sweetness ever
I want to lapse into every slice of your enticingness Peruse your fun-filled playground Your decadent dream wonders Your bright flashing spectacularness Your flex is decked with ****, compelling enchantment The hottest prime content, infamous eclectic qualities You light up my charmingly colorific heartland Let me step into your magical city of delightful sightseeing With fascinating features that extensively enrapture me
I revere the peerless perspectives of your celestialness You give me the perfect, pleasurable, and indefinable thrill ever You are powerfully addictive and gratifying I want to gaze at your striking, timeless body of hotness Trace your electric and dramatic dapperness With my soft, fantastical hands Slip into an expansive and entrancing trance When I romanticize how I pine to delight In your profoundly sumptuous and flamboyant hunkiness