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Apr 2022
I love how enchantingly handsome he is to me
How his mind is brimful of fantastic seamless dreams
Vast and incalculably valuable academic attainment
Richly divine, sprightly, and powerful
A stellar, shining, and timeless masterpiece of poetry
He is essentially eccentric, romantic, and fragrant
A wild and wondrous showstopper, strikingly desirable

His beard is dark, thick, and intriguing
I am in incredible love with him
How his compassionateness synchronizes with mine
How his dynamism draws me into his aestheticism
He makes me want to venture deep into his hallways
Of everlasting amorousness to embrace his masculineness
Allow my mouth to move sensually against his bright, cheery cheeks

Marvel at the vividly glistening hues of his sweet keen face
His remarkably sparkling brown eyes make my mind go wild
I crave to taste his artfulness, his sauciness, his charmingness
Clench his temples, gently inch my hands through his
Unbelievably thick, curly, and black hair to revere his peerlessness
I love how he is gorgeously formed, how he makes me want
To explore him more, to feel what lies below the surface
To enter his center of supreme dreaminess
Feeling everything in him that shimmers spectacularly
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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