I adore your iridescent sunset eyes, the rare spectacular light That shines inside them, guides me into an enchantingly Romantic land suffused with supreme happiness
You are an ingratiating place to stay and embrace always Trace the shape of your fascinating, tasty lips Kiss the stellar exterior, escape into the astonishing
Amusement park of artful wonder, bushy black haired rarity Radiant and luxuriant as a rosebush, as a gleaming evergreen shrub Lustfully looking man, solidly *****-shouldered dopeness
Incredibly dopacetic biceps, massively impressive-chested spectacle Blazing gunmetal abs, sumptuous V-line, fine lissome thighs Relishable rugged legs, rock-hard as cinder blocks Smoking feet like a smooth steel brick, rock-hot shoulders Succulent drum-tight arms, strikingly mesmerizing chest Shredded flesh shimmering like pistol gold bullets