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KV Srikanth
Apr 2022
Honesty should precede
Not an afterthought
In line with fact and reality
Accurate And Actual
Truth has no intent
Does not require a thought process
A simple direct narration of facts
Happened as it were
Lying is one step away from the truth
It is intentional expression requiring thought process
To create deception
Hides behind words and situations
Created and simulated
To appear like the truth
Probity wears a mask called trickery
Truth does not bear a price
Comes free unlimited
False has a tag
There is no buyback
The price one pays
Integrity lost for life
Every utterance doubted
No point living life
Dishonesty is valued
Beats the balance
Weighted against any
Gullible trade it for harmony
Recalling requires memory
With veracity not neccasary
Made up for convience
Puzzle to Solve in the present
Labryinth a loop
Entrance free and easy way out
Entrance now disappeared
Exit served as the entrance
Lies leads to secrets
Outside and within the self
More secrets to guard
Living a life with self deception
Honesty flows endlessly
Fiction has a ******
Unpleasant ending defined
Downhill trip an anticlimax
Choice was offered
Greatest gift to be celebrated
Right or Wrong
Postman delivers where you belong
Truth travels with Courage
To face the troubles that truth brings
Lie had Cowardice for a friend
Encourages you to run till the end
Speak the truth
One dimensional life
Speak the untrue
Multidimensional to endure
Those who believe their lies
No words can describe
Lie a Nuclear weapon
Kills relationships for every sesson
Later trying to reason
Reason requires truth unfortunate equation
Death of lies
Only bereavement to be celebrated
Unmasking the self deception masks
A new date of birth to be marked
Fear and outcome
Causing the verbal zig zag
Fear grows manifold
Outcome's doors close
Written by
KV Srikanth
Shwetha SB
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