What happened to love for one another? Where did respect go? Smiles turned into hate Where is the appreciate? It’s now Hesitate The world doesn’t even want to communicate Assurance being forgotten This is totally rotten Encouragement loss its fulfilled It is not in the world’s will We are Brothers and Sisters on this Earth, it doesn’t matter Race, what happened? The world’s focus was surrounded by love Laughter and joy to think of It seems departed ways these days Astray Not ok What’s the cause? People are called out of their names Pure Lame Killings, Muggings and other crimes for no reason Senseless Racism circulating in the picture No nurture What happened? World, World poor World When will we learn? We didn’t create ourselves It was a Heavenly Mighty Self We need to help one another We all walk this Earth together, and we can’t be made with the world We all are the world You might need someone to bring you water being in distress Love for one each other says it best What happened?