These men are scorchingly gorgeous and memorable Incredibly digestible, flexible, and relishable With a hypnotic flex, immaculate stacked abs Utterly lush mesmeric chest, lickable pebbled peaks Aesthetic, poetic arms, sparkling like a heavy razor-sharp sword
I want to hold on to their broad, muscular shoulders Place my mouth on their desirable naked necks Taste the salient sweetness sliding down Their spectacularly abtastic abs To their deliciously thick and electric thighs
Allow my eyes to take in their **** kinetic form Rub their elegant, expansive backs Their extraordinary moist ***** Sip seduction from the surface Let my shining saliva suffuse their cheeks
Hold their dreams in my mouth Where I bask in their bedazzling bewitchment Their valiant venturesome vessels I am flabbergasted by their scented seductive manliness How it streams sweetly over my skin Intrigues me more to explore the depths of their world Their lightning speed, their irresistible history Their delicious milky iridescence
I am locked in their hotness Caught up in their smashingly sensual structures Their shimmering transcendental thoughts Their dreamy serene senses Clinging to them infinitely Feeling their worlds glide through The tunnel of my throat
Make me dumbstruck Floating around the radiant rings of succulent Saturn Wrapped in their warmth Their hunky monstrous bodies Supreme amorous machines Solidly built like high-reaching brick buildings
I wish to be wherever they are Wherever they traverse, I yearn to go there Rub their sleek, tempting limbs Unravel their galaxies Let my gaytastic enchantment Flow through them without end