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Apr 2022
He lures me to him with his intensely fresh fineness
His bright, lithe design, the boldness of his rugged muscles
His sparkling, ardent, and marbled chest
His defined sublime abs suffused with artfully immersing inventiveness The way he speaks his smooth saucy slang
Swerves my world with his spectacularity

He is my fragrant foundation, city made charmer
He feeds my soul with his stupendous thugness
Makes me feen to cling to his desirably pliable hips
Taste his sexually gratifying chocolate
His astonishing armoredΒ Β arms, his sufficient resilient abs
I revel in his resplendency, rub his immaculate sculpted shoulders

Probe the dopeness of his design, bury my face
Into his prodigiously pleasurable heartland
So seductive and powerful, impossibly ripe and revealing
His flesh, so kissable and strokable
Press my fingers on his enchantingly ****** lips
My velvety belly and buoyant ******* locked to his body
Kiss him steadily, nudge my lush knuckles against your neck
Tease him exceedingly; let my fingers glide up and down his back
As he lapses into my thrillingly tenacious grip
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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