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Apr 2022
He is a magically extraordinary summer day
Filled with supreme shining dreams
Smooth sensational superstar
Radiant ingratiating marvel
Suave toned muscle that draws me
To his towering desirableness

I want to kiss his solid gorgeous abs
His deliciously incredible chest
Feel his flow of dopeness in my soul
Sensually stroke his hard glistening arms
His astonishing arched shoulders
Taste the nape of his neck

Breathe sultriness down his massive strapping back
Grip and squeeze his sleek exquisite ***
In his majestically glorious closeness
I am so overenthusiastic
Glazed on his grand entrancement

Our lips lock and kiss steamily
Our mesmerizing eyes meet
As I rub his grippingly gorgeous goatee
His electrifyingly enticing eyes set me aflame
I dissolve into his flawless rhapsodical unconquerableness
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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