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Sep 2013
You know, I’ve been staring at my screen for a while now
Thinking of what to write, Trying to put it all together
I thought of all these ways to tell you this but you see I don't have the words and I don't take that lightly because I am someone who is usually good with words.
I usually know what to say but here I am sitting in front of a blank screen trying to figure out what words to put together.  
Truth be told, I don't understand what I'm feeling,
Its like I’m sad and happy at the same time.
I’m simple but god I’m a big mess
I’m quiet but my thoughts are loud as ever
I dont know what this is.
Its like I’m everything and nothing all at once.
I wanna say so much I just don't know where to start,
So I guess I’m going to end with saying nothing at all.
I seriously have no idea what to say.
The Habits of My Heart
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