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Mar 2022
On average
I delete a minimum
Of about 50 emails per day
350 per week
About 1,500 per month
18,000 per year
And approximately
200,OOO per decade
So i was thinking
If about 4 billion people
Around the world
Averaged about the same
200,000 times 4 billion
Unwanted emails
Floating around
Like lost ghosts
Wandering around hyperspace
Clogging up
A non existent void
Words, and numbers
Along with brackets, commas, and full stops
Lies, and truths
All thrown in together
A hodge podge
Now all equal
As rejects of humanity
Tears flowing, along with other words
Numbers unite, and subtract
And interact
Then divide
There then follows an algebraic ****
There is much multiplication
The letter O, falls in love with zero
And circles join in
For this narcissistic
Menage et trois
Nothing is the outcome
And nothing happens....

by Jemia
Written by
Jemia de Blondeville  63/Transgender Female/hastings
(63/Transgender Female/hastings)   
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