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Mar 2022
I crave an electric kinetic kryptonite
Like you in my life
Lay down with you on a blanket
Of dreamy, shimmering crimson rose
In nakedness and togetherness
You steady kiss my back
And grasp my massive fabulous ***
I become rapt in your enclasp

You bite my soft foxy shoulders
I gasp sweet fervent heat
I feel your hands on my superbly curvy *******
You rub my ***** voluptuous *******
I can no longer help myself
I am glued to your super smooth manhood
You got me soaked in your dopeness
Your flex is an automatic supersonic beast

You enrapture my membranes
Throw my frequency off balance
My wet dreams come to life
Like a lovely bright flower that comes into blossom
I feel so connected to you
With flesh to flesh and lips to lips
You got me lost in a marvelous cosmical galaxy
Where your attractiveness prevails over me

You transform my world
Into immaculate smacknificent magic
With your adorned glory
You giftwrap me in your intriguing sizzling passion
Your saucy chocolate kisses
Make me melt in your impenetrable manliness
You are an enchanting canvas of art
An awe-inspiring and suave king

I love how you shine
How you feed my soul continuous affection
Your supreme sereneness communicates to my body
In the most monumental ways
I want you to *** me throughout the night
Take possession of my body
Let me feel all your masculinity
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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