I got a problem that won’t go away
I am so unbelievably bewitched
By aesthetically appealing men
Gloriously gorgeous proportions
Immaculate fashionable outfits
Hot alluring cologne
Badass beasts with relentless heat
Unchallengeable mantastic swagger
Sanguine, commanding, and enchanting
Flamboyantly magical and dazzling
Deep, hot, confident, and passionate voices
Seamless supreme elegance
Bright sublime smiles
Delightfully spellbinding hairstyles
Slim, lean, compact, and strapping body structures
Highly striking refinement
Impeccable street credibility
Brilliantly intellectual
Glowing with innovativeness
Magically swagtabulous enchantment
I yearn to traverse through their arresting worlds
Explore their tremendously competent and creative minds
Benevolent, magnificent, man-nificent, and transcendent
Unalloyed splendor, knowledgeable, discernable
Kissable, irresistible, delectable, and collectible
They are fulfilling bliss
They echo soulful loving dreams to my heart
I long to be aware of their secrets
Their impressible, treasurable, and complacent nature
Their untouchable level-up game
Their fervently long-cherished and incomparable purposes
Their flexible and caressible flesh
Their ingratiating and velvety smoothness
Their dangerous, slick, silky, and seductive masculinity
Pristine, clean-shaven, and black-bearded
I hanker to be enclosed in their world of bountiful delights
Taste their clean, glistening, and intriguing bodies
As I perspire sweet amorous dreams
Lay on my bed suffused with the enthralling fragrance of men
I am soaked in their sweet-salty juices
I am a rainbow in the brightly alluring azure sky
Enshrouded in the light of their sunshine
I am drowning in them
I can feel them all over my body
Their masculinity is unquestionably majestic
It’s their suaveness for me
It’s their soft, warm, and breathless kisses upon my skin
That makes me sink into a sea of desire
My pulsing heartbeat is in a state of stupefaction
Lost in a blissful paradise where immensely
Mind-blowingly hypnotizing men
Take me into a night of wildly exhilarating entertainment