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Feb 2022
It's been weeks since I left.
But my heart is still a part of your theft.
How will I get backup from this,
How will I fill that hole inside of me, at the size of a fist.

Feeling heartbroken was better,
Dealing with that pain was something I was able to handle.
But this emptiness is somethings else,
Putting something back inside is not something that can be done.

Memories are flowing through the brain,
The weird thing is, it don't feel the pain.
It's the emptiness that makes me feel weird,
What happened is the biggest thing I feared.

It is over, it is done,
The thing we had, it is gone.
Loneliness is setting in,
Happiness is starting to grow thin.

I hope it will get better,
I need to believe it will get better,
I know it will be beter.
But that doesn't mean it is easy,
But that doesn't mean it doesn't take time,
But that doesn't mean it has to be done alone.

Keep in mind, I am not alone,
Keep in mind you are not alone,
Keep in mind, you and I can be friends :)
So lets start here, there is nothing to fear,
So let's start here, it has to begin somewhere,
So let's start here, start with loving ourself :)
Written by
ThatBrokenOne  22/M/Netherlands
   Hakikur Rahman
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