she was sitting there, right in front of me I reached out, but could not grasp music floating, from the vision that I see touched her hand, try to attach a clasp
everything was modifed, not the same as before orbitally re-arranged, from versions that proceeded I listen intently, for a knocking on my door hoping to absorb, her strength I so desperately needed
she is from another place, another place in time her voice so soothing, accent like ye of times past trying to remember, when old tree I try to climb reaching ever higher, a stone I strain to cast
if only she could breath, the sound to mesmerize she sometimes seems orderly, so meek and yes so mild the lashes of extreme, try to cover up her eyes you wonder if beneath it all, there might be something wild
shifting in demensions, monotomic elelments survive shaping our minds, with auburn colors on the crown pure honesty, pure love, no nothing is contrive waiting for the man from Zaga, to finally touch down