Your tantalizing, tattooed body Has me thirstily anticipating to be with you To be written on the smooth pages of your skin To touch and kiss your kissable seductive lips Feel your ardent solid shoulders Your smoldering dope chest Your sturdy luscious neck You are strong-minded, high-ranking, and high-powered Sweet-natured, innovational, and sexually stimulating
I hunger to clench your desirable, towering body Feel you grasp my bareness in your arms Hold me firmly, clutch my lustfully sensitive ******* Let your saucy thoughts travel through my mind Give me your lickerish love Take my world, my hypnotic Papi Slide your fingers between my *** cheeks Mesmerize my inner wetness
Elevate my desires Make me throb significantly Pull me to you more Enter me deeper Make my legs shudder As you utter incredibly seductive words to me
Your smoking melanin enchantingness Has me drifting in your deliciousness I hold your back Your passion is so fire Your gorgeous, manly torso Keeps me fused to your body Indulging in the sexiest pleasures of your excitingness