Every crackle of Thunder The Lord is establishing his word The Flash of Lightning The Lord wants you to listen carefully The thought of you in let me remind you Don’t think of a minute I don’t exist It’s the Devil that you must resist I am pure and true The only thing I ask is that you pursue Make no mistake Tomorrow may already be too late Today is now I will bring assurance All you need to do is acceptance Blessed it is he These are my words being Thee Tomorrow will never be promised Yet world you must be honest Being corrupt Heaven won’t invite Don’t take my words light My words are written for you to understand It is a request not a demand Know that I am always around World, I can be found Observe the wonders that surround the sound Peace be unto you in heart Praying is just a start Don’t let it be a depart Fulfill on I am the Lord where you belong Just say thank you for the chance I am how you will advance Thank you Thank you Thunder and Lightning have returned What have you learned?