Your heart is light and full of purpose Trembling with hope and life Believing a beautiful lie
Lenses of optimism obscuring signs Seeing meaning in a look or glance Thrilled by a phantom
This ghost haunts your memories Once reality slams it's heavy gavel The past rewritten
Truth sets free the specter Unshackles the memories from their hopeful cage But like Bitter medicine they linger
Hearts beating at different paces. One flame growing brighter the other flickered and died The dissonance of desire
Looks deemed precious Shatter like glass Beneath the weight of retrospection
Optimism unveiled as wishful thinking Signs once ignored spring with life Blossoming to painful thistles of shame.
Who were you talking with? Them? Or a fiction created by your own mind Grieving a ghost that never existed
Me processing my first breakup from the perspective is of me talking to myself. where I caught feelings and optimistically held on to the hope she had too, but she ended it. Revealing the disparity between my experiences and assumptions versus her reality