Dreamwalking Reality-mistaken alleys stumbles and deliberate devil-convulsions the Third; signs of mistaken madness are visible! Vulnerable man's shadow may be deliberately transgressed by bargaining bargainers, treacherous cops! More and more whispers of odd eccentrics sink the beginning of creative days into baseless mood-setting!
Collapsed hoppers leap like grasshoppers in a dance of the Spirit's march, restraining itself even the puffed-up All! And in all pseudo-news there stands the possibility, as a vocal, obscene-music to be shouted with full throats! The infinite depth of needle is scarcely to be sought and discovered! Money and luxury have become the new age's newest pseudo-god! From the pits of endangered credulities Only the curve of descent can be described! In the melodious pauses of melodious raindrops, mood-steam is created: a rainbow graveyard as a consequence of precise interplay!
A series of secret was-nots! In the conscious moments of wakefulness, superstitious eyes also perform a total-entire cross-country; with a reverse change of style, they could even cling to the pieces of fabric of a rathartic, proud reality! Among the murderous impulses rooted in inequality, the traitor changes hands for the umpteenth time! They may think: a series of crushing, bans will solve everything! No one thinks of going down the road of reconciliation of interests!