Why so many What ifs Why not more Firm answers of Yes and no Why so doubtful? Why so scared? Why the ifs?
Drop them like it's going to burn you Cuz they are holding you back You are overthinking And sometimes If not more losing your chance At doing something Probably amazing
Shut the what ifs up I don't care what you are thinking Because If your thinking For longer than 30 seconds Your already letting The ifs drag on Letting them ruin a moment Don't let them catch you You need to grab your moments Grab your memories And run with them
What if I stay home Instead of going out What if I take chance And be real What if What if I told you i don't want to hear it What if I told you That I want to see you Or hear you Getting out of your head And doing instead of thinking
Maybe one day to start your day Your adventure Don't think, just say yes Yes And yes Unless it gets you killed Or behind bars And no not the ones at a club By all means say no and don't think Those two words Right next to each other Of what if
Go and live your life Don't have regrets Of not taking those chances