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Jan 2022
I have seen humanities
shadow dancing beyond
my dreaming eyes.

I’ve seen clouds of gray
fade into white and blue

I’ve seen death and life,
babies birthed and the
sick die.

I’ve seen night turn into day.
The moon danced across the
sky until it slowly slipped
behind the earths curve.
The sun stole the spotlight
with its larg yellow *****.

I have seen computers rise
from the minds of geniuses.

The phones evaluation
from dieling the operator
to receiver into cell phones
capable of fast processes.

I’ve seen the environment
slowly die by human hands.

I am hoping to see a future
free from racism and discrimination.

Better healthcare and education
for all.

Better justice systems
to serve and protect our

My vision for our future
is two possibilities.

We will prosper and grow.

Or we fade slowly into
the vast spaces we’ve
been searching from
the beginning of humanity.

Our greatness is holding on
by a single thread of hope.

Peace, love and change.

To become great we need to do
all three. Until then we are
but fading stars chosing to
go out like a tiny spark.

©️ 2022 By Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton
Written by
Amanda Shelton  37/F/Bakersfield California
(37/F/Bakersfield California)   
   Weeping willow
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