Time is but a random collection of moments Scattered across the vastness of the universe Brilliant motes of cosmic dust dance Rippling in time to the music of the spheres The delicate touch of mortal memory Stitching the tiny sparkling particles together To create the tapestry of the past and future The past we leave behind but do not reject For it has taught us how to transform The future an unknown territory For spiritual souls in human bodies All we truly have is now this instant The present the gift of the universe Time to be to ground to grow strong Breathe it in slowly take it to your heart Let it embrace you with peace and serenity Let the light surround you and protect you From the darkness creeping abroad in our world The spite that whispers in hidden corners A bilious susurration of winged demons The evil that would steal your freedom Break your spirit force your compliance Bind you with chains of fear and hatred Until your vibration is lowered and you fail Your wings broken your light dimmed Take courage for that is not your future The great awakening is becoming Likeminded souls are channelling light Drawing energy from distant planes To bring love and healing to our own Never forget that you are a child of the universe You are the light in the darkness You are the wellspring of hope You are compassion and forgiveness And while you exist only in the present You are the future just as you have been the past So unfurl your wings and fly free