Forever find your awareness, Keep your light shining be observant every day you live.
You are now living a new life whether you know it or not.
It was never discussed with you, since you are changing here on Earth from human bodies to crystalline bodies of light, as you have always been.
We are people of the light forever shining our light in which all will be once again.
As you evolve your frequency will keep rising till you are light as a feather again.
We are all lightworkers bringing human bodies back to light beings to the New World of this new Golden Age!
We can only help those who want to move on to their light bodies.
It is their choice to move into the fifth-dimensional consciousness state or stay in the third-dimensional consciousness state never knowing peace, love and harmony.
You all have free will, that is why only you alone can move into the fifth-dimensional consciousness.
We shall always guide your way and help you understand that moving on will be your heavenly paradise, with no pain burdens, sorrows, grief, or any other emotions than happiness.
At some time or another, you shall be free to choose what you desire deep to choose.
We have no choices over yours!
Good luck in the coming days of your ascension, it may be difficult to achieve your desires ahead of you, but remember you are the only one who can choose.