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Aug 2013
I remember bothering you everyday just to get your attention.I remember waiting for you to notice me.I remember always walking around you, so that I could get the chance to give you a hug and smell you because your scent was soothing.I remember us talking but you would somehow manage to avoid me. I remember my friend playing a prank on us and that prank got us together. I remember our first kiss, so sweet but awkward. I remember our first argument and our first little break up and how after it things just seemed to go wrong, I remember us parting our own way, but I also remember missing you every night.
I remember wanting to be with you.
And ever though you're with someone new,I still cherish every moment we had together because even though you're gone, your soul still haunts me and I couldn't give up the little part of you I still have left in me.
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