I can feel his rhythm in my chest I can smell his wintergreen scented breath on my lips His movement is magic in motion I find him to be highly entertaining I admire his assertiveness and creativeness His swagger is staggeringly the most badass His essence mesmerizes me unconditionally I dream of him unrelentingly
I hunger for him to explore my body Kiss me, feel me, taunt me With his penetrating dark-brown eyes ***** my firm, glowing skin with his hands Swirl his thrilling tongue around My sexalicious, silken ******* My hard and sensitive ******* Electrify my frequency
Slow stream inside my being Spit on his fingers, put them inside me Devour me like a hot, milky coffee Sweet talk to my heart Make me dance like a slender and graceful ballerina Graze his thick and exquisite beard on my palms Let me feel his ruggedness Get wasted off his impressiveness
Set me ablaze, my radiant king Guide me to his hypnotic mancave Make me sparkle like a galaxy of stars Make me become possessed By his studalicious sight Be my summer dream Make me believe in every authentic thing I have seen in him