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Dec 2021
I can picture us lying on idyllic white sand
Feeling the boundless blessings from the breeze
All around you and me, the dazzling afternoon sun
Shimming over our beings, its light loving on our skin
The bright, glorious clouds are our dreams of treasure
They hang above us; they adore us enduringly
I look at your prepossessing, velvety masterpiece
I am so inebriated by your creation

I hunger to taste the ardent chocolate syrup off your lips
Become bound to you more, your **** slave
Appropriated in your arms of passionateness
Feel your black beard pressed to mine
Eyes to eyes, nose nuzzling nose, hands to hands
I yearn for our bodies to be immersed in the limitless
Crystal-clear ocean, abounding in fire and desire
Let it wash over us, let spectacular spasms suffuse our skin

Listen to the emerging sounds of ecstasy
As our feelings for each other deepen profoundly
Salty sweat on our flesh, blissful breaths
Explicit diction on our lips, untamed moans
That dominate our tones and bodies
You kiss me obsessively, I feel you more and more
I hold you closer, my chin on your shoulder
My hot kisses on your neck, my fingernails
Gliding up and down your broad, buff back
Basking in your entrancingness
As your hands tease my exquisitely bare ***

Surrender to ***, float in your presence
Feel your flex, tell me that I am sweeter than sweet
A rich and smooth marshmallow of magic
A long-keeping, charming, and delicious apple
You can bite into and ******* favored flavor
Set your hands on my head, embrace my low fade haircut
Rub my head in circular movements
You feel so breathtaking; my mouth open wide
To feel your cherishable love enter my entrance
Slide down the waterslide of my throat

I crave for you to be close to me
Like a summer sea, I long to swim inside thee
Feel every emotion there is within thee
Let it travel like a bottle of poetry floating in the sea to me
This is how I want it to always be with you and me
We can shake and rotate our nations
We can navigate perennial extremities
Stroke each other amorously
Create unadulterated unity
With our fascinating and unforgettable vibes
Ride the wave of our desires
To wherever delightfully exciting romance lies
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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